Dajin Offshore to supply foundations for Nordseecluster

2023-05-06 Source: DAJIN

RWE (51%) and Northland Power (49%) are taking the next step in the development of their Nordseecluster. The companies have selected Dajin Offshore as the preferred supplier for their up to 1.6-gigawatt (GW) cluster consisting of four offshore wind farm sites in the German North Sea. The Nordseecluster will be constructed in two phases. Of the 104 foundations in total, 44 are reserved for this initial stage (Nordseecluster A) 660 MW of capacity. Two further wind farms (N-3.6 and N-3.5) of the second phase (Nordseecluster B) will add an additional 900 MW of capacity. These Foundations are based on MP-TP integrated design and Dajin Offshore supply covers all 104 monopolies as well as secondary structures and electrical outfitting.

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