Governance Structure an operational mechanism with “Three Boards and One Management
  • General Meeting of Shareholders

    The General Meeting of Shareholders, as the highest authority of the Company, standardises the convening, holding, and voting procedures of the shareholders’ meeting, treats all shareholders equally, and ensures that all shareholders fully exercise their rights in strict accordance with the provisions and requirements of the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Securities Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Articles of Association, and the Rules of Procedures for the General Meeting of Shareholders.

  • Board of Directors

    The Board of Directors, as the decision-making body for the operation of the Company, exercises its authority in accordance with the law and holds accountable to the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Company appoints directors in strict accordance with the procedures specified in the Company Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Articles of Association, which stipulate that the Board of Directors shall consist of seven directors, including at least three independent directors. The Company has established the Independent Director System, which clarifies the qualifications, nomination, and scope of duties for independent directors.

    On January 19, 2023, the Company convened its first extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the year. During the meeting, the board of directors and the board of supervisors were reelected, where the relevant motions and contents were deliberated and approved by cumulative voting. The meeting elected Mr. Jin Xin, Mr. Sun Xiaole, Mr. Tian Mingjun, and Ms. Liu Aihua as non-independent directors of the company, and elected Mr. Cai Meng, Mr. Qu Guangjie, and Ms. Zhang Wei as independent directors of the company. Ms. Ji Xiuli and Mr. Li Haizhe were elected as the supervisors of the fifth board of supervisors of the company.

    By the end of this reporting period, the number of directors of the Company is in accordance with the number specified in the articles of association. The Company had two women on the Board of Directors, and the seven Board members had expertise in accounting, legal, consulting, marketing, engineering, etc.

  • Board of Supervisors

    The Board of Supervisors, as the supervisory body of the Company, reports to the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Supervisors exercises its functions and powers in accordance with the law, and supervises the Company’s significant matters, related party transactions, and financial position, as well as the legality and compliance of directors and senior managers, to protect the legalrights and interests of the Company and shareholders.

  • Senior Management

    Main functions of senior management include managing production and operation, organising and implementing the resolutions of the Board of Directors and reporting to the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors regularly reviews the functions delegated to the management and their performance to ensure the effective operation of the Company and the interests of the shareholders. As of the end of this reporting period, the Company had a total of three senior management personnel, including two females.

Report Mailbox
Business Ethics Governance

Reporting Channels and Whistle-blower Protection.

The Company has set up multiple public reporting channels, such as email, telephone, WeChat, and other channels. Upon receiving a complaint, we promptly assemble a special investigation team to conduct investigations and collect relevant evidence. In doing so, we keep strict confidentiality of both the whistle-blowers and their reports, and publicise our whistle-blower confidentiality policy to firmly safeguard the legitimate rights of whistle-blowers to exercise oversight.

Corruption Risk Management Process
  • Risk investigation

    We conduct comprehensive corruption risk investigations through special audits, classifying and ranking risks based on their likelihood of occurrence and severity.

  • Dynamic control

    We track and analyse corruption risks throughout the process by collecting information on a dynamic basis, which enables real-time warnings and responses.

  • Advocating Employee Care

    We explicitly assign supervisory responsibilities and strengthen routine tracking and oversight through targeted approaches. We also impose strict accountability measures on individuals involved in fraudulent activities.